APOS 特集号の論文を概観した記事が Optics Express に掲載されました。

国際会議 APOS2019 の特集号として掲載された論文の内容を概観した記事が Optics Express に掲載されました。

C. McGoverin, F. Vanholsbeeck, J. M. Dawes, Y. Mizuno, and X. Fan, “Focus Issue Introduction: Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference,” Opt. Express, vol. 28, no. 15, pp. 21745-21748 (2020) [Not a research article].

This feature issue of Optics Express contains 17 articles expanding on recent advances in optical sensors presented at the eighth Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference (APOS 2019) held in Auckland, New Zealand, from November 19 to 22, 2019. These articles span sensing for real-time positioning, refractive indices, strain, gas, and temperature using a variety of methods including photoacoustic computed tomography, coherent optical frequency modulated continuous-wave interferometry, enhanced Bragg gratings, and phase-sensitive optical frequency-domain reflectometry.