水野准教授が 国際会議 CIOP 2021 で招待講演を行いました。

7月23~26日に中国 西安とオンラインでハイブリッド開催された国際会議 12th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2021) にて、水野准教授が下記招待講演を行いました。

Y. Mizuno, H. Lee, and K. Nakamura, “Plastic optical fiber fuse effect and its sensing applications”, 12th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP 2021), paper SC15-25-1330, online, July 23-26, 2021 <invited>.

We review the unique properties of an optical fiber fuse effect in plastic optical fibers (POFs) and its sensing applications. The POF fuse exhibits slow propagation velocity, 1–2 orders of magnitude slower than that in silica fibers, and threshold power density, 1/180 of the value for silica fibers. The passage of the fuse creates an oscillatory carbonized continuous curve (instead of periodic voids seen in silica fiber fuse), which shows electrical conductivity. We also present some examples of its sensing applications, such as high-sensitivity magnetic field sensing based on multimodal interference in the fused POFs.