招待総説論文が Photonics Research に掲載されました。

プラスチック光ファイバを用いた分布センシング技術の基礎から最新展開までを俯瞰した招待総説論文が Photonics Research に掲載されました。水野准教授がリーダーとなり、DiGOS Potsdam GmbH(元 ドイツ連邦材料試験研究所)の Sascha Liehr 博士 および キプロス工科大学の Antreas Theodosiou 博士、Kyriacos Kalli 教授らと共同執筆したものです。なお、本ジャーナルはオープンアクセスで、最新の Impact Factor は 7.0 以上です。

Y. Mizuno, S. Liehr, A. Theodosiou, K. Kalli, H. Lee, and K. Nakamura, “Distributed polymer optical fiber sensors: a review and outlook,” Photon. Res., vol. 9, no. 9, pp. 1719-1733 (2021) <invited review>.

Aging degradation and seismic damage of civil infrastructures have become a serious issue for society, and one promising technology for monitoring their conditions is optical fiber sensing. Glass optical fibers have been predominantly used for the past several decades to develop fiber sensors, but currently polymer or plastic optical fibers (POFs) have also been used extensively to develop advanced fiber sensors because of their unique features, such as high flexibility, large breakage strain, and impact resistance. This review focuses on recently developed distributed and quasi-distributed POF-based sensing techniques based on Rayleigh scattering, Brillouin scattering, and fiber Bragg gratings.