論文(共著)が Acoustical Science and Technology に掲載されました。

光音響トモグラフィの簡易評価装置に関する論文(共著)が Acoustical Science and Technology に掲載されました。

X. Zeng, Y. Mizuno, K. Nakamura, S. Fuse, and H. Nakamura, “Compact test set for sensitivity evaluation of photoacoustic contrast agent,” Acoust. Sci. Technol., vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 259-262 (2018).

Photoacoustic tomography has been dramatically developed in the past twenty years and is expected to become one of the commonest imaging methods in hospital in next decade. The first generation of photoacoustic tomography adopted human elements as target absorber, such as DNA, hemoglobin, and lipid. Recently, the second generation of photoacoustic tomography has adopted exogenous high-absorption contrast agent to improve its contrast, spatial resolution, and functionality. It may extend imaging depth from genetic to whole human body. In this letter, to accelerate the development of photoacoustic contrast agents, we design a compact and cost effective test machine for the sensitivity evaluation of photoacoustic contrast agent. The system employs two laser diodes driven by a modulated continuous source at kilohertz region, and the generated acoustic signal is detected with a small microphone attached on an acoustic resonator. The operation of the proposed setup is examined using ink solutions and existing contrast agent.