芝浦工業大学との共同研究の成果が IEICE Communications Express に受理されました。

両側傾斜利用ブリルアン光相関領域反射計による損失点の検出精度を向上させた論文が、IEICE Communications Express に受理されました。芝浦工業大学の鈴木君(M2)が中心となって進めた共同研究の成果です。

Y. Suzuki, Y. Mizuno, and H. Lee, “Enhancement of loss point detection accuracy by double-slope-assisted Brillouin optical correlation-domain reflectometry,” IEICE Commun. Express, accepted.

We propose and experimentally demonstrate an improved method for detecting loss points in optical fibers using double-slope-assisted Brillouin optical correlation-domain reflectometry (DSA-BOCDR). By utilizing the power ratio of two frequencies with different shifts from the Brillouin frequency shift, we enhance the positional accuracy of loss point detection compared to conventional slope-assisted BOCDR (SA-BOCDR). Our results show that this method can effectively detect loss points with higher accuracy, contributing to the advancement of distributed optical fiber sensing technologies for structural health monitoring.