王さん(元研究員)の論文が Applied Physics Express に掲載されました。

多モード光ファイバのコア径や開口数のモード間干渉特性に対する依存性を解明し、その結果に基づいて歪無依存の温度センシングを実証した王さん(元研究員)の論文が、Applied Physics Express に掲載されました。

K. Wang, Y. Mizuno, X. Su, X. Dong, W. Kurz, M. Fink, H. Lee, M. Jakobi, and A. W. Koch, “Core diameter and numerical aperture dependences on the performance of fiber-optic multimode interference sensing,” Appl. Phys. Express, vol. 16, no. 1, 012003 (2023).

Modal interference in a multimode fiber (MMF) has been utilized to develop simple sensors for various physical parameters. Herein, first, we investigate the dependencies of the core diameter and the numerical aperture (NA) of the MMF on the performance of multimode-interference-based strain and temperature sensing. We find that larger core diameter leads to higher temperature sensitivity but to lower strain sensitivity (absolute value) and that higher NA does not influence the temperature sensitivity but results in higher strain sensitivity (absolute value). Subsequently, using the obtained low strain sensitivity, we demonstrate strain-insensitive temperature sensing with a sensitivity of approximately 6.1 pm/°C.