論文(共著)が Optics Express に掲載されました。

前方ブリルアン散乱の特性解明に関する論文(共著)が Optics Express に掲載されました。

N. Hayashi, Y. Mizuno, K. Nakamura, S. Y. Set, and S. Yamashita, “Experimental study on depolarized GAWBS spectrum for optomechanical sensing of liquids outside standard fibers”, Opt. Express, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 2239-2244 (2017).

We report an experimental study on the spectral dependence of depolarized guided acoustic-wave Brillouin scattering (GAWBS) in a silica single-mode fiber (SMF) on acoustic impedance of external materials. The GAWBS spectrum was measured when the acoustic impedance was changed from 1.51 to 2.00 kg/s·mm2. With increasing acoustic impedance, the linewidth increased; the dependence was almost linear with an acoustic impedance dependence coefficient of 0.16 MHz/kg/s·mm2. Meanwhile, with increasing acoustic impedance, the central frequency linearly decreased with an acoustic impedance dependence coefficient of −0.07 MHz/kg/s·mm2. These characteristics are potentially applicable to acoustic impedance sensing.